It seems that most people have come to dread the holiday season, mostly because they've grown weary of listening to the same tired old songs everywhere you go. Every department store, Starbucks and other imaginable retail location seems to play the holiday standards year in and year out. Imagine the poor employees that have to work there and listen to them every day!! And when new material comes out - it's always those same standards redone.
Well if you're looking for something new, fresh and original . . . look no more! Natalie Oliveri - quite easily the hardest working female singer/songwriter in Chicago - has recently released a holiday single, entitled "Snow", bringing a fresh new voice to the holiday roster. Song was produced by Harley Figueroa - a well respected local musician and producer. Click on the link below to download the track for FREE.
zSHARE - _SNOW_ R_b Version MP3.mp3
For those of you that don't know who Natalie is yet - get to know her because you'll be seeing her name around more and more in 2010. From folkloric Columbian ensembles, to full out neo-soul "big bands" and solo performances - Natalie carries her herself as a do-it-all kind of musician. And rightfully so, because she can.
Check out her EPK - created by Chicago Music Project's very own Leo Flores.
Natalie Oliveri: Eclectic Soul EPK from Leo A. Flores on Vimeo.