I sit here on a Monday evening, calmly collecting my thoughts and reflecting upon the events that have had a global effect . . . as the entire world is aware of, a devastating blow was delivered to Haiti a couple of weeks ago - leaving only death, destruction, agony and pain in its wake. The world's of those people were completely turned around, the entire nation virtually destroyed with hundreds of thousands of people left dead.
The image of the Presidential Palace left in ruins serves as a representation of the devastation that occurred in Haiti.
We have decided to dedicate the next couple of weeks to bringing you event coverage of several live music benefits featuring local artists throughout the city. Brought to you, of course, only in the fashion that Chicago Music Project can deliver under the guise of CMPtv's HAITIAN RELIEF SERIES.
Please be on the look out for updates and more information and videos coming to you soon!
Israel Fernandez III
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